HOME SCHOOL 01 with Ambassador Pablo Solon Gets Nearer

Our inaugural Sustainability Academy also known as HOME School (HS01) kicks off on 19 August 2013 in Abuja with policy makers. 21 August will see us having sessions with secondary school kids and community folks in Benin City. The final leg of HS01 will hold at the University of Lagos.

HOMEF is proud to announce that the Lagos session will be co-hosted with the Department of Mass Communication of the University of Lagos.

Registration for HS01 in Lagos is open. You can register free here (Click or tap here) or by sending an email to Joy at this email address: [email protected]. Further information may also be obtained from the Department of Mass Communications through Dr C. Onwunali by email: [email protected].

Announcing HOME School 02

HOME SCHOOL 02 will hold 25-30 November 2013 with Firoze Manji, founder of Pambazuka Press, as the key instigator. The focus will be on The African Awakening- uncovering the political forces behind the ravaging of the African environment. As with HS01, this will be a multi-city event taking us to Abuja, Lagos, Port Harcourt and Benin City.

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