
Eco-Instigator #46

Eco-Instigator #45

Eco-Instigator #44

Eco-Instigator #43

Eco-Instigator #42

Eco-Instigator #41

After celebrating a decade of great achievements in the struggle for environmental justice, we are back in the trenches and the journey continues. In this issue, we feature Prof Niyi Osundare’s keynote paper and a review of ‘Politics of Turbulent Waters’. Additionally, we address the global ‘polycrisis’, pollution from plastics, GMOs, and the importance of Ecuador’s environmental decision. 

Eco-Instigator #40

In this edition celebrating our 10th year, we emphasise our commitment to justice and equity and report on some of our strategies like the Niger Delta Alternatives Convergence (NDAC). We highlight the importance of integrating the gender dimension into environmental and climate justice discourse, and the criticalness of not leaving the grassroots out of the conversation. Also present are goodwill messages from comrades, colourful HOMEF experiences shared by our team members, and literary pieces for your reading pleasure. Check out our recommended books which feature “Politics of Turbulent Waters”, a compendium of selected articles from past editions of your Eco-Instigator.

Eco-Instigator #39

This edition brings you an article that allows for deep reflection on the interconnections between our wellbeing and the environment. It also features a report on the presidential town hall where presidential aspirants revealed what their plans for a greener nation would look like. Nigerians are still reeling from the effects of the flood and so, we have included ‘In the Wake of the Flood’ and ‘Coping with Floods’ to provide some insights into how Nigerians are coping. The advocacy for safer, healthier food and agroecological farming systems continues to grow stronger and here, the opportunities and challenges that come with the much-desired transition are presented. Like previous editions, we stroke your sense of imagination with poetry and short story. Enjoy!

Eco-Instigator #38

The 38th edition of the Eco-Instigator covers various topics, including our assessment of COP27 negotiations in Sharm El-Shiekh and recommendations on the use of Agroecology as a sustainable and tested agricultural practice to promote healthy soils and reduce dependence on inorganic fertilizers and fossil fuels. This publication highlights how agroecology principles help cool the planet, ensure climate resilience, and guarantee food sovereignty. We additionally feature stories on the oil and gas sector, the Niger Delta pollution crisis, and the multi-pronged challenges faced by coastal communities such as climate change impacts, coastal erosion, sea encroachment, pollution from extractive industries, and unwholesome fishing practices.

Eco-Instigator #37

In this edition, we delve into the increasing occurrences of fish washing ashore in extractive fields along Africa’s coast, the mysterious massive fish die-off in Nigeria’s Niger Delta that affected four littoral states in 2020, and the similar incident in South Africa’s Isipingo lagoon two years later. We also bring back the muddled facts of the Port Harcourt Soot and highlight the growing health implications. We further touch on actions to propel a better and cleaner energy transition. In addition, we share highlights from our community engagement sessions and our work to promote environmental clubs in schools. To learn more about these, download the magazine here.

Eco-Instigator #36

The 36th issue of the Eco-Instigator addresses the neglect of the Niger Delta and the rejection of seed colonialism in Africa to the potential dangers of introducing genetically improved Tilapia fish (GIFT) into the Nigerian market. We also report on our environmental monitoring training with communities fighting against pollution by oil and gas companies, as well as an intergenerational dialogue with His Royal Majesty, King Bubaraye Dakolo (Agada IV), an ex-soldier, author, philosopher king, and environmental activist. In addition, we share highlights from the Fishers’ Tale Exhibition held in South Africa where we showcased the fascinating stories of fishers and their ocean adventures.

Eco-Instigator #35

This issue sheds light on fossil fuel exploration, COP26, and the continuing failures of oil management in Nigeria. We include a closer look at the recent Nembe oil disaster and a call to action for a new paradigm of oil responsibility in Nigeria. We also present excerpts from the first intergenerational dialogue “Learning from the Wise” and delve into the history of Industrial Agriculture, exploring the negative impact it has had on the food systems structure in Nigeria. 2022 is themed “Propelling the Transition” and we include a report on our team-building programme. Read about the state of the Gulf of Guinea, the circular economy and our diagnostic dialogue in Iwherekan. Also enjoy poems from Ese Ojeanelo and Nnimmo Bassey.

Eco-Instigator #34

In this edition, we feature successful projects in our work areas: Hunger Politics, Fossil Politics, Ikike, and Alliances/Networking. We also shed light on the exoneration of Ken Saro-Wiwa and 8 other Ogonis who were murdered in 1995 whilst continuing our fight for food and seed sovereignty through our Stilt Roots stories. Additionally, we offer a collection of articles on climate change and actions against environmental and climate chaos, including highlights from COP26 and the Rights of Nature Tribunal.

Eco-Instigator #33

This edition serves as a strong call to action as the world faces devastating wildfires, storms and floods, and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) unequivocally affirmed in its sixth review that climate change is a result of human activities. It presents evidence-based information on the Petroleum Industry Act recently signed into law in Nigeria and its seeming disguise to shirk the ecological misbehaviour and responsibility of oil majors towards communities affected by oil exploration. Additionally, we highlight the destructive nature of the coal mining industry, including human rights abuses, climate change-causing activities, and damage to livelihoods, land, water, and air. Also, find an array of poems and must-read books.

Eco-Instigator #32

Find in this latest edition of the Eco-Instigator a collection of articles and reports that highlight the urgent need to address environmental health and justice challenges across agroecology, biosafety, pollution in the Niger Delta and mangrove protection. We document the devastating impact of oil spills in Opuama community and their demands against actions that put their lives in danger while disrupting their natural ecosystems and halting their vibrant economic activities after over 35 years of oil and gas operations in the community. This issue in general underscores the importance of meeting climate pledges and providing climate finance to poorer countries as we work to renew and sustain our planet.

Eco-Instigator #31

In this edition, we delve into the Anthropocene and explore the impact of resource exploitation in our School of Ecology (SoE) hosted alongside our partners Ecole Urbaine de Lyon (Urban University of Lyon). Also, learn about the important role of smallholder farmers in producing healthy food and maintaining sustainable agricultural systems when you download this issue. We cover AGIP’s Gas Pipeline Leaks in Emuoha, Rivers State and discuss new entrants in the Climate Movement. We also touch on accountability and transparency in the South Sudan Oil Industry.

Eco-Instigator #30

This instalment reports pressing environmental issues such as the tragic Jesse Pipeline Fire, the cause of which the Nigerian government has remained silent. It includes articles ranging from biodiversity to flooding and documents HOMEF’s response to demands for justice during the EndSars protests of late 2020. We also discuss climate-induced migrations in the Indian Sundarbans and have included details from HOMEF’s School of Ecology on the Blue Economy and its impact on the environment.

Eco-Instigator #29

In this edition, we address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on fishing with a focus on farmers in the FishNet Alliance. Our articles provide recommendations to the government to support fishers, protect the aquatic environment, and farming livelihood. Additionally, we feature a detailed communiqué from Oilwatch Africa on the devastating impacts of fossil fuels on the continent and propose alternative power sources. We also highlight efforts to protect freshwater and marine ecosystems in the Congo Basin and Niger Delta, which are under constant threat from oil spills and industrial waste. Furthermore, we explore the intersection of art and nature during the pandemic and celebrate the life of Amilcar Cabral.

Eco-Instigator #28

This issue of your Eco-Instigator features thoughts on the COVID-19 virus and its impact on the environment, food systems, and human rights. The edition highlights the connection between the pandemic, climate change, and poverty in Nigeria. Additionally, the publication delves into the negative effects of fast fashion and consumerism on Sustainable Development Goal 12 which aims to reduce waste generation. The issue also includes reports on an anti-GMO march in Lagos and a biosafety conference in Abuja. Notably, the publication contains a letter from Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, a leading biosafety expert in Africa, warning the Ethiopian government against the use of agricultural genetic engineering.

Eco-Instigator #27

In this edition of the Eco-Instigator, we explore the driving factors of climate change and its impact on our planet whilst questioning the effectiveness of the Green New Deal (GND) to manage the impacts of climate change. We delve into the issue of pollution in the Niger Delta and shed light on the state and funding architecture of the Ogoni clean-up exercise along with our 2020 theme “Decolonizing Narratives” aimed at breaking the stronghold of colonial paradigms and narratives. Don’t forget to check our recommended readings and updates on our upcoming events.

Eco-Instigator #26

The 26th edition of the Eco-Instigator features reports on environmental and climate justice activities from around the world. It covers the devastating impact of Cyclone Idai on Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi, and amplifies the global call for climate action. The edition also includes articles that urge us to decolonize our thinking as we confront the challenges of climate change, food sovereignty, and emerging technologies. It showcases the inspiring efforts of fishers fighting for the protection of marine ecosystems.

Eco-Instigator #25

Discover compelling articles on Africa’s persistent fossil fuel-driven development and the root causes of world hunger in the 25th edition of the Eco-Instigator. You can learn about the fight to end extractivism in Africa as we share details from the conference “Stopping the Extractivist Addictions.” At this conference, activists from 15 African countries examined the current extractivist mentalities of African governments and proposed practical solutions for sustainable development. Additionally, we highlight the Youth Climate Hub organized by Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Environment in partnership with UNDP and facilitated by HOMEF. As always, we have included thought-provoking poems and a shortlist of must-read books.

Eco-Instigator #24

This issue of the Eco-Instigator covers the ongoing cleanup of the heavily polluted Ogoni creeks in the Niger Delta. It features updates from monitors trained to oversee the cleanup process and ensure adherence to UNEP recommendations. We also delve into the state of biosafety in Nigeria, highlighting growing concerns regarding the impact of modern agricultural biotechnology on our food systems. You will also find details on our event on seeds, food, biosafety, and farming systems in Nigeria as we shed light on how the country can feed itself without adopting the corporate colonization of our food systems. Additionally, read insightful articles from youth advocates on the passionate call for an agro-future free from toxic foods.

Eco-Instigator #23

Discover thought-provoking and key environmental issues in this 23rd edition of the Eco-Instigator. This edition features a report on the in-depth examination of the Juba water supply crisis in South Sudan, as well as a comprehensive report on the COP24 agreement held in Katowice, Poland. We talk about Shell’s involvement in shaping and influencing the Paris Agreement as well as understanding the rule books of implementation. Furthermore, in this publication, you will find highlights on the controversial influx of genetically modified organisms in the Nigerian market despite widespread objections from HOMEF and the GMO-Free Nigeria Alliance. Explore the implications of these issues and why it matters that our people grow and feed on healthy local staples when you download the full issue.

Eco-Instigator #22

This edition of the Eco-Instigator sounds the climate change alarm with articles about rising sea levels, floods, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons, weather irregularities, and increased atmospheric temperatures, and advocates for halting coal and crude oil mining and fracking. It also highlights climate change-induced clashes between herders and farmers, the role of agroecology in ensuring food security in Nigeria and Africa, and the stance of HOMEF, well-meaning individuals, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) on the use of alien technologies that undermine sustainable and equitable food and agriculture systems. You will also find insights from our farmers’ dialogue on Food and Farming Systems in Nigeria and the pathway to Food Sovereignty.

Eco-Instigator #21

The 21st edition of the Eco-Instigator reports on various projects dedicated to ecological justice, food sovereignty and monitoring risky technologies in our food market. We also shed light on the Nigerian oil sector which is impacted by offshore exploration and exploitation, and its effects on marine ecosystems as reported by the Fish Not Oil community. The edition also covers the fight for food sovereignty amidst the Nigerian Biosafety Management Agency’s disregard for the dangers of genetically modified crops. Additionally, it includes reports from the Maiden School of Ecology which focuses on Life After Oil and reimagining development in the Niger Delta and Nigeria as a whole.

Eco-Instigator #20

Discover the latest report on climate change, biodiversity loss, plastic pollution, and the intersection of environmental justice and human rights in the 20th edition of the Eco-Instigator. This comprehensive publication delves into the concept of agroecology as a sustainable agricultural practice and sheds light on the controversial stance of the Nigerian National Biosafety Management Agency towards Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). HOMEF also highlights major pollution concerns, including the #EndtheSoot rally in Port Harcourt and the impact of oil pollution in South Sudan on the climate. Download the issue for more details.

Eco-Instigator #19

This issue contains reports from the UNFCCC COP23 held in Bonn last November on the outcome of the Talanoa dialogue for African stakeholders. We also serve you a report from our maiden edition of the FishNet Alliance in Lome, Togo. We continue the discussion on biosafety and bring you a thorough thought piece on the Ogoni question. Bano Abdulrahman writes about the carbon challenge and Stephen Oduware has a review of “Genetic Engineering: Dreams or Nightmare” by Mae-Wan Ho. Also, find excellent poetry by renowned poets and updates on our upcoming events.

Eco-Instigator #18

This edition features articles on climate change, the false solutions of geoengineering and pollution in South Sudan. We also question the bias of the Nigerian biosafety regulator in its willingness to adopt risky technology. We serve you reports from our workshop in South Sudan, our Community Dialogue and Sustainability Academy in Abuja, COP 23 and the conference on Redesigning the Tree of Life hosted by the Canadian Council of Churches. As always there is an array of thought-provoking poems, a selection of books you should read and updates on our upcoming events.

Eco-Instigator #17

The struggle for safe food continues and in this edition, we bring you resolutions from a scientific conference by the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria. We also dissect the Petroleum Host Community Development bill and bring you highlights from our FishNet Conversations and resolutions from our dialogues with community people. There’s a review of the book Gross Domestic Problem By Lorenzo Fioramonti and recommended books include: Native Defenders by Vincent Schilling, Politics of Climate Justice: Paralysis Above, Movement Below by Patrick Bond, Living With the Fluid Genome by Mae-Wan Ho, and How to Nourish the World by Hans R. Herren.

Eco-Instigator #16

We are working to promote true biosafety devoid of GMOs and in this issue, we bring you reports on our efforts: our March Against Poison to the National Assembly, the Stakeholders Workshops on GMOs and the Forest Town Hall Meeting – all in Abuja, Nigeria. We detailed our Rights Livelihood Lecture and Peace Day, and also teamed up with SDCEA and the fisherfolks in Durban, South Africa to launch the Fish Not Oil Campaign. Hon Nkoyo Esu Toyo writes on resource control, gender and peace in the Niger Delta region. This edition also contains must-read book suggestions and poems by Nnimmo Bassey and Patrick Naagbanton.

Eco-Instigator #15

This issue features thoughts on biosafety, GMOs and carbon footprints. Sonali Narang writes on the need to watch our carbon footprint. Nnimmo Bassey writes on how faith questions GMOs and how system change cannot be negotiated. Fidelis Allen and Nnimmo Bassey write separately on the ongoing severe air pollution in Port Harcourt. Anietie Akpan and Bassey Inyang write about the protests against the proposed Super Highway in Calabar. Babawale Obayanju details his attendance at the Yes to Life, No to Mining meeting in Galicia and Joyce Ebebeinwe writes about food for life. We also detail our stakeholders meeting with about 40 legal practitioners in Benin to address the GMO crisis and there’s poetry from the acclaimed Amu Nnadi.

Eco-Instigator #14

The 14th edition of your Eco-Instigator brings you articles from Maxime Combes, Edouard Morena, Ify Aniebo, Nnimmo Bassey, Natalia Inglenov, and the Punch Editorial Board. We talk about the Paris Agreement, COP 22, GMOs, the assault on the earth defenders: Accion Ecologica, deforestation and Buhari’s obsession with Chad Basin Oil. John Foran piece’s on unfu*cking the COP has also been republished in this edition. It is apt, intellectually stimulating and a must-read for all. We’ve included a poem by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, a list of recommended books and notifications on our upcoming events. Find full details when you download your copy.

Eco-Instigator #13

In this edition, we serve you reports from the ongoing debates on the GMO debacle in Nigeria. We also bring submissions by key activists against gene drive technology to the recently concluded conference of the IUCN. This edition has two key articles on environmental justice – one is on the rising martyrdom of earth defenders written by Hannibal Rhoades. The second is on what it means to fight for environmental justice in the Maghreb written by Hamza Hamouchene. We discuss the ongoing talk of resurrected militancy in Ogoni and also bring you reports of our events, poetry and a shortlist of must-read books.

Eco-Instigator #12

HOMEF participated in the Global Break Free from Fossil Fuels mobilisations – the largest global civil disobedience in the history of the climate movement. We marched in Oloibiri, Ogoni and Ibeno. These events sent strong calls for the clean-up of the Niger Delta and reiterated our call to keep the oil in the ground. We bring you the highlights of this global wave and our marches in this edition. We also write against the deployment of GMOs despite the outcry from Nigerians, debunk Mosanto’s claims that GMOs are safe and examined the flawed Nigerian Biosafety Law. Also attached is the Abuja Declaration on the Release of GMOs in Nigeria, and updates from the Ogoni cleanup and the controversial proposed superhighway construction in Cross River. We included reports from our 7th Sustainability Academy, the strategic environmental agenda meeting summit, and our Community Dialogue in Cross River.  You’ll also find a review of the book “We Are All Biafrans” and an interesting list of books you should read.

Eco-Instigator #11

In this edition, we spotlight the resolve of biosafety regulators in Nigeria to promote the entry of modern agricultural biotechnology into the country and the deeply flawed National Biosafety Management Bill hurriedly signed into law. Monsanto Nigeria Agricultural Ltd rushed two applications for field testing of genetically modified maize and the commercial release of genetically modified cotton in Nigeria. A short advisory on our objections is published in this issue. We serve you a menu of poetry, reports and, of course, books you must read. With an article by Tive Denedo, we countdown to the Ogoni cleanup and with another by Fyneface Dumnamene, we shed led light on the UNEP report concerning the cleanup’s implementation. Uche Igwe further contributes to the implementation discussion with a thought piece. Nnimmo Bassey thoroughly dissects the crude oil spill at Forcados. Enjoy!

Eco-Instigator #10

We bring articles and opinions on COP 21. Larry Lohmann questioned the energy transition in his article and Patrick Bond wrote on how the Paris climate terror could endure for generations. Babawale Obanyanju asks us to never trust a COP and Terry Odendahl expands on if the Paris Agreement will save us from climate chaos. Caroline Wambui Gichobi wrote demanding binding commitments for UNFCCC COPs. We have included a list of books you should read and a report of a workshop on building community resilience towards the implementation of the UNEP report. Good news: Poor farmers are now free to prosecute Shell at The Hague. Find all the details when you download the issue.

Eco-Instigator #09

This issue of your Eco‐Instigator commemorates the dastardly execution and pays respects to all martyrs of extractivism across the world. We bring you the voice of the widow of Barinem Kiobel as she urged the US courts to punish Shell for the judicial murder of her husband and the other Ogoni leaders. Read Esther Kiobel’s article A Living Story Of Shell’s Cruelty. We also serve you the story of resistance to fracking in the Algerian community of In Shalla by the outstanding Algerian activist Hocine Malti. Also, find John Foran’s Just Say No to the Paris COP. Elizabeth Beltram writes from Bolivia on Water a Source of Life, Connection and Hope and reminds us that water is life. Cadmus Atake also brings you a brief report of Vandana Shiva’s visit to Nigeria to deliver the second annual Right Livelihood Lecture.

Eco-Instigator #08

This edition brings you the Declaration of the South African Food Sovereignty Campaign and Alliance and the Maputo Declaration. 2015 has been declared by the United Nations as the Year of the Soil. To mark this, we bring to you an extract from Terra Viva – Our Soil, Our Commons, Our Future; a new vision for planetary Citizenship. We lost a member of our Board of Trustees, Oronto Natei Douglas. Deeply jolted by his passing, we have included reflections on his life, work and legacy. God’spower Martins brings you his thoughts on the harmful hill/rock blasting ongoing in Abuja. Contained is a report of the one‐day conference hosted at Entebbe, Uganda by the National Association Of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE). There’s also a poem by Sahro Ahmed Koshin titled “I am a Somali Woman” and an article on fighting climate change in the Burkina Faso Sahel by Nnimmo Bassey. Enjoy!

Eco-Instigator #07

Guest edited by Ruth Nyambura, an avowed ecofeminist and fiery Pan-African activist, this issue of the Eco-Instigator has thought pieces from Hakima Abbas, Analia Penchaszadeh, Firoze Manji and Juan Lopez. Also included is Ruth Nyambura’s article titled, “The Question of Agrarian Transformation for Rural African Women”. Fidelis Allen wrote a holistic essay about the Rights Livelihood College and we also have highlights from the Community Dialogues kicked off at Erema (Egi) and Goi (Ogoni) Communities. There’s a poem from Nnimmo Bassey and as always, we include book recommendations for you.

Eco-Instigator #06

The sixth edition of the Eco-Instigator is aimed at helping us step up action to halt the slide to further climate chaos. It contains an article by Uchendu Eugene Chigbu & Chumah Amaefule examining how the transformation to sustainability could be attained through activism. It challenges us to think deeply about how scholarship can inspire action on the streets. There is a piece by Juan Lopez that reminds us of the roots of the conflicts and bloodshed in the Great Lakes region and three articles on the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It also contains a report on HOMEF’s Sustainability Academy,  poems and discussions of GMO policies and hopes for Ogoniland.

Eco-Instigator #05

Focused on re-sources, this edition critiques humans’ continued addiction to fossil fuels and the impending climate crisis confronting the planet. It rethinks the re-source questions and interrogates the role of extractive industries. We discuss the anti-life nature of economic growth and have thrown in a travel piece about the difficulty of travelling West Africa due to the Ebola outbreak. You will also find excerpts from the “Take Part” documentary where our director was interviewed about his activism. Also read about our latest Sustainability Academy and our engagements with the Ogoni Women Ecodefenders Network.

Eco-Instigator #04

The fourth issue of the Eco-Instigator aims to make us think about food systems and the foods we eat. It addresses GMO myths and popular arguments, nutrition security, the biosafety bill, the challenges and threats of genetic engineering for organic agriculture, food wars, misinformation on GM and hybrid seeds, and the ongoing Ogoni struggle. With an array of poems and recommended books, we also report on the HOMEF Sustainability Academies in Abuja, Ogoni and Makoko.

Eco-Instigator #03

Released after HOMEF marked her first anniversary, this edition brings you Patrick Naagbanton’s sizzling review of Silence Would Be Treason – the last writings of Saro Wiwa, Nnimmo Bassey’s thoughts on the harms generated by extractive activities in his piece Walking on Caves of Fire, Zaid Shopeju’s We stand Before History – comprehensive thoughts on how young people can take action to save Mother Earth, Maude Barlow’s The Role of Water Abuse in Cliamte Chaos, and Martin Lukacs’ New Privatized African City Heralds Climate Apartheid – an essay that exposes the Eko Atlantic City for the facade it is. Two great supporters and illustrious justice advocates passed on in the course of 2013: Comrade Festus Iyayi and Madam Julian Odey. This edition contains tributes to them.

Eco-Instigator #02

This edition features highlights from the first and second HOME School, poems, articles, reports and a spread of must-read books. It also features the Maputo Declaration of the No REDD in Africa issued after a strategy workshop in August 2013. There is also an article by Nnimmo Bassey about the attempt to greenwash Shell over the happenings in Ogoni. Adesuwa Uwagie Ero explains in her thought piece how youths are re-inventing the world. Further attached are a critique of the IUCN-Niger Delta panel final report and a report of the resolution of a workshop on Stopping the False Nutritional Kite & Understanding the Convention on Biological Diversity organised by HOMEF.

Eco-Instigator #01

This issue of the Eco-Instigator is the first instalment of a body of works aimed at provoking positive ecological changes to ensure the rights of Mother Earth with the understanding that this is the assured way of ensuring the rights of humans and other species. It features a think piece by our first instigator, Pablo Solon. His article is an exposé of his thoughts on climate change and the necessity for action. The issue also contains thoughts on GMOs, the birth of the No REDD Network, “Waterscape” – an eco-poem by Ogaga Ifowodo and an article on the politics of ecological defence by Nnimmo Bassey. Zaid Shopeju also shares insights on challenges and opportunities around climate issues for youths.

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