Homef reports

Befouled and Begrimed

Polluting and Other Unusual Activities on Niger Delta Waters

What's on Our Plates? 2023

Based on the results of this survey, it is evident that the number of GMOs in processed food products continue to increase in our markets. This survey provides valuable insights into public perceptions towards GMOs and attitudes toward labelling in general.

Don’t geoengineer Africa (policy Brief)

Dossier of Registered and Unregistered Pesticides in the Nigerian Market

Staying Afloat

Nigerian Indigenous Foods

Exploited Dispossessed and Abandoned

Attitudes on Renewable Energy and Climate Change

COP: Damaged and lost

Damaged and Lost raises awareness about the devastating impacts of climate change on the world’s most vulnerable communities. The brief is Oilwatch International’s position shared at COP27 on the need for the payment of climate debt owed the global south and the urgent need to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

The Trail and True Costs of Oil Refining in Nigeria

For almost 64 years, the Niger Delta has witnessed a rise in the commercial export of crude oil from its lands, rivers and creeks. In The Trail and True Costs of Oil Refining in Nigeria, readers will discover the intricate web of corruption, environmental damage, human rights violations, and economic power battles between multinational oil companies that have haunted Nigeria’s oil sector for years.

Wellhead Woes

Wellhead Woes is an extensive publication that takes a thorough and detailed examination of the occurrence of wellhead blowouts and oil spills in areas along Aiteo OML 29 Well 1 in Nembe, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. It highlights the significant long-term impact of these blowouts on ecosystems, drawing insights from field research and shared experiences of community members affected by the spill in coastal communities.

Africa caught in the Fossil Trap

African economies, which rely heavily on fossil natural resources, have been plagued by a host of challenges, including low living standards, stunted economic growth, corruption, and political turmoil. In light of these realities, this report delves into the root causes of the issues plaguing the industry and sheds light on the unforeseen consequences of Africa’s fossil fuel sector. It uncovers the devastating impacts of fossil fuel dependency, such as pervasive pollution, ecological degradation, and the displacement of indigenous communities. It offers insights into how African countries can effectively plan and transition toward a future that is less dependent on fossil fuels.

Hotspots of Conflicts

Hotspots of Conflicts is a report that highlights the devastating impact of fossil fuel extraction on people and the environment in Africa. This report provides a detailed map of 36 major fossil fuel hotspots across the continent, shedding light on the oppressive practices and ethnocide that are taking place in these areas.

the state of biosafety in nigeria

The term “Biosafety” refers to the measures, processes, and protocols that safeguard individuals against exposure to dangerous biological substances. This report centres on highlighting the biosafety concerns in Nigeria with a specific emphasis on the effects of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) on food, animal feed, and environmental safety. It provides a strategic evaluation of how biosafety regulations and principles are being implemented in Nigeria, the level of public awareness of this topic, and the strengths and limitations of the nation’s biosafety regulatory framework in ensuring food security, climate resilience, and economic stability.

Floods, climate change & covid-19

Floods, Climate Change & Covid-19 delves into the complex relationship between floods, climate change, and Covid-19. The report pays special attention to the devastating floods in 2020, specifically in the Bayelsa and Orashi regions of the Niger Delta. It examines the profound impact of these floods on low-income communities and marginalized groups and offers actionable solutions that policymakers can implement to effectively address these issues.

massive death of fish across The Atlantic coastline of the Niger Delta

The Niger Delta region boasts one of the world’s richest and most diverse marine ecosystems. Unfortunately, the Atlantic coastline has experienced a significant loss of fish in recent years causing local fishermen to struggle to survive and raising fears about the fragile state of the nation’s ecosystem. This report takes readers on a journey through the Niger Delta, examining and addressing the complex web of factors that may have contributed to this environmental disaster.

What's on Our Plates? 2019

HOMEF conducted a follow-up survey of our markets, revisiting cities earlier surveyed and a few others to check the presence of genetically modified products and to further increase awareness on their implications.

The survey also took note of herbicides sold in markets across the nation which contain glyphosate, that in addition to being linked with cancer, is implicated in the destruction of biodiversity as seen in the reduced population of bees.

assessing clean drinking water availability in juba, South Sudan

Bringing light on the dire state of water provision infrastructure in Juba which has proven inadequate for the city’s growing population, this report highlights the promising strategies and initiatives already underway to improve water access in Juba and adds on recommendations from extensive research and fieldwork assessments to help guide government stakeholders in implementing these strategies to provide the residents with access to clean and affordable drinking water.

what's on our plates?

A Report on Market Shelf Survey for Products of Genetically Modified Organisms in Nigeria  

In light of the mounting evidence of the hazards posed by the increasing use of genetically modified crops in Nigeria’s food systems and their impact on human and environmental health, HOMEF conducted a market survey in this report to provide readers with a comprehensive analysis of the various types of GMOs present on Nigerian supermarket shelves.

objection to monsanto bt cotton

This report voices opposition to Monsanto Agriculture’s request for authorization to introduce pest-resistant genetically modified (GM) cotton into the Nigerian market and environment. Drawing from the experiences of neighbouring countries such as Burkina Faso and South Africa, the report argues the potential promise of yield and highlights the consequences, ecological imbalances, health hazards, socio-economic inequality in many farming communities, and likely hazards of adopting GM crops in Nigeria.

Beyond oil

Reimagining Development in Niger Delta

Despite being rich in sustainable biodiversity, the pollution and neglect of the Niger Delta have been largely ignored as the focus has been on exploiting its petroleum resources. This report explains the need for the Niger Delta to diversify and strengthen its economy beyond reliance on petroleum rents, as well as the implementation of a clear and sustainable biodiversity management plan to preserve the region’s ecological integrity.

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