For this year, HOMEF kicked started her School of Ecology strongly with a collaboration with University of Lyon to host School of the Anthropocene, which held in January. That session was a great move towards our plan to build stronger alliances for the change we seek.

In line with this year’s theme ‘Building Webs of Resistance and Change’, HOMEF, through her Ikike vehicle held a session on Environmental Justice in April and will be holding four more sessions of our School of Ecology in the coming months. The focus for each session is well selected to respond to prevailing environmental, biosafety/biosecurity and ultimately human rights issues.  

The focus, topics and dates for each session are in the table below. 

To be a part of any of these sessions, do follow us on all our social media handles, as the registration links will be shared accordingly. 

No 3: Shifting the Power Lines

July 27 – 28, 2021

  • Introduction to Climate Change/Climate Science
  • Political Economy, Power Alternatives & the Development Pathways
  • Overview of existing legal strategies and Climate litigation
  • False Climate solutions
  • Climate Justice (Grassroots Solutions; Energy and Re-source Democracy; Systemic Change)
  • Shifting the power lines and Power Alternatives in Africa
  • Building Movement for Clean Energy and Climate Actions
  • Clean Energy: Communities as Climate Actors
  • Justice in the Just Energy Transition in Africa
  • Pathways to Life after Oil

No 4: Politics of the Sea

Aug. 24 – 25, 2021

  • Counting ecological cost: Blue economy
  • Politics of the Sea  
  • The State of Aquatic Ecosystems
  • Oceans, Geoengineering and climate threats
  • Big infrastructure and disruptions (Dams, Pipelines, Mining, etc)
  • Marine and Freshwater Protected Area: Learning from indigenous people
  • Sea Grabs:  Stealing, sea piracy and conflicts
  • Defenders of sea re-sources – Strengthening FishNet Alliance

No 5. Political Ecology

Sept 22 -23, 2021

  • Growth and Sacrifice Zones: the cost of growth
  • Africa: Green New or Old Deal? Green Capitalism
  • Communities on the Front Lines 
  • Nature based solutions and net zero 
  • Standing for the Earth: Ecological monitoring (Forests, Extractives , desertification)
  • Eti-Uwem: Measures of wellbeing, Re-source democracy

No 6: Transforming the Earth

Oct. 27 -29, 2021

  • Climate change and nature colonialism
  • Understanding technologies: traditional, modern, post-modern.
  • New and Emerging Technologies: Implications for Africa and Africans
  • Geoengineering: Fiddling with the Planetary Thermostat 
  • Eco-Colonialism and persistent coloniality
  • Technofixes: Solution or Threat?
  • Introduction to the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ 4IR and the new techno-grab for Africa.
  • Sky, Sea and Land Grabs
  • AI, Robotics and Machines
  • Sustain-able innovative solutions as alternative to harmful emerging technologies
  • Regulating Emerging Technologies: The Pitfalls and the Opportunities

No 7: Biosafety, Biosecurity and Food Sovereignty

Nov 4-5, 2021

  • Biosafety Laws in light of the African Model Law: The Gaps and the Opportunities
  • Threats to Biosafety and Biodiversity. (GMOs, Gene Drives, Deforestation)
  • Biosafety, Biosecurity and Food Systems
  • Synthetic Biology: Environmental and Economic Implications
  • Genetic Engineering: Ecological, health and security issues
  • What’s on our plates – A walk through the 3years research
  • Which way forward for Biosafety and Food sovereignty in Africa

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