about home

We are an ecological think tank advocating for socio-ecological justice and food sovereignty in Nigeria and Africa at large.

why homef?

Exploitation of Nature is a reflection of the unjust relations between people and the social political, gender, economic, crisises in society.

Dissatisfied with the impunity in our environment, we believe that:

The rights of Mother Earth must be safe guarded

Communities should be equipped to voice protest against oppression and pollution in their environment

Justice must prevail in our engagement with the environment and nature’s cycles at policy, corporate, and individual level

Our Approach

We believe in locally generated knowledge and practice, and the need for people-centred dialogues.

Our thinking is ecological minded, rooted in an ideology of living in harmony with nature and the environment.

We are focused on unearthing the systemic roots (social, political and economic factors) of environmental and food challenges.

Our Vision

An ecologically just world where all beings live in harmony with Mother Earth

Our Mission

To build ecological knowledge, propagate re-source democracy and support wholesome socio-ecologically cohesive communities where people live in solidarity and dignity. 

Our Focus Areas


(Making sense arena)

As the world hurtles towards climate catastrophe, response and action have continued to be more than lacklustre. It is critical that our solutions and thinking are ecologically centred, rooted in an ideology of living in harmony with nature and the environment.

It is this ideology that has been HOMEF’s driving philosophy over the past 10 years. We align with grassroots movements and do extensive work with communities to platform their concerns and link these ground swells to global movements around the world.

This 2023-2028 strategic plan re-commits Health of Mother Earth Foundation to the important work of creating a just world, where the rights of nature are respected and we work together in harmony to thrive today and empower subsequent generations to do the same.

Our Team

advisory board

The Advisory Board is composed of women and men who have distinguished themselves in the struggle for environmental justice and the rights of Mother Earth:

  • Chris Allan (USA) – Environmental health campaigner and philanthropy activist
  • Akinbode Oluwafemi (Nigeria) – Environmental justice campaigner
  • Siziwe Mota (South Africa) – Environmental justice campaigner
  • George B.K. Awudi (Ghana) – Climate justice campaigner
  • Evelyn Nkanga (Nigeria) – Environmental justice campaigner
  • Esperanza Martinez (Ecuador) – Environmental justice/Political ecologist
  • Pablo Solon (Bolivia) – Climate justice campaigner, diplomat and movement builder
  • Liz Hosken (UK) – Mother Earth rights advocate
  • Lim Li Ching (Malaysia) – Agro-ecologist and rights advocate
  • Kwami Kpondzo – Environmental Sovereignty Campaigner
  • Mariann Bassey–Orovwuje – Food Sovereignty Campaigner

Homef in networks

1. Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) (visit site)

2. Yes to Life No to Mining (visit site)

3. Climate Space (visit site)

4. No REDD in Africa Network (NRAN) (visit site)

5. Oilwatch Africa (visit site)

6. Oilwatch International (visit site)

7. Fishnet Alliance (visit site)

8. Daraja – A Pan African space set to rally the global majority towards a path of radical social transformation and power. (visit site)


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