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Need for a Cohesive Food Policy for Nigeria
The indiscriminate import and use of internationally banned and Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) has severe consequences for human health, the environment and the economics of households, communities and the nation at large. The impacts of pesticides on human health...
Attitudes On Renewable Energy And Climate Change In West Africa
The report is concise and accessible for the policy maker as well as the community person. It is also presented in an easy-to-read manner. As the climate crisis unfolds in multifaceted ways, dithering is not an option. This is the time for Africa to take needed...
Pesticides Legislations: In whose Interest?
Article 7.5 of the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management developed by WHO and FAO, advice countries that the - “Prohibition of the importation, distribution, sale and purchase of highly hazardous pesticides may be considered if, based on risk...
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We are an ecological think tank organisation advocating for environmental / climate justice and food sovereignty in Nigeria and Africa at large