Welcome to the last edition of our quarterly magazine for the year 2022. As you already know, this is the 38th edition of the Eco-Instigator. We want to specially thank the contributors as well as the readers, for their inputs and feedbacks which have continuously helped us to improve on the contents of the magazine.
This edition is packed with interesting reads that not only appeal to reasoning but prompts for actions to protect the health of Mother Earth, and by extension, the wellbeing of beings. In this edition, we bring you our assessment of negotiations that took place at COP27 in Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt.
Agroecology is a tested and viable agricultural practice that improves and promotes healthy soils and negates dependence on industrial agriculture that is heavily reliant on the massive use of dangerous inorganic fertilizers and fossil fuel. This edition brings you quite a number of reports and articles that reiterates the viability of agroecology.
As usual, we bring you instigative and resonating poems and suggestions of books you should read.
Enjoy the edition and remember to drop us a line or share feedback, stories, articles, poems or photos at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.
Until Victory!
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