Catholic Doctors Caution on GMOs

Catholic Doctors Caution on GMOs

The Association of Catholic Medical Precatitioners of Nigeria urged Nigeria to observe the Precautionary Principle at a scientific conference it held July 6-8, 2017 in Port Harcourt. The theme of the conference was: “Genetically-Modified Organisms: How Harmful,...
One Hard to Travel Superhighway

One Hard to Travel Superhighway

The Superhighway project has been controversial from the day it was first announced publicly for many reasons. First, it was routed without regard to the negative impacts it would have on the Cross River National Park (CRNP) and a number of community forests in its...
GMOs, Biosafety and the Law

GMOs, Biosafety and the Law

The need for public consultation and participation in the approval processes of applications that directly affect the people’s health and well-being cannot be over stressed. Many issues surround the matter of our food and agricultural modern biotechnology that require...
Science, Food and the Public Interest

Science, Food and the Public Interest

Should science not be to the advantage of society? Does science always serve the public interest? Nnimmo Bassey, director of Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) posed these questions in his opening words at the media training organized in Abuja recently. The...