Conversations on Ecocide

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Dialogue with Medical Practitioners

The dialogue will deepen conversation/understanding on issues of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the state of biosafety in Nigeria with a view to getting expert recommendations on way forward for […]

Workshop with Judiciary Officials

There is need for Nigerians to learn from all sides of the debate on GMOs and biosafety, and see the importance of the Precautionary Principle as key to the protection […]

School of Ecology (SoE) 2- Shifting the Power Lines

This will be the second session of the SoE for 2021. It will cover the following topics- Introduction to climate change/climate science; Political economy, power alternatives & the development pathways; […]

Media training on Environmental Reporting

The media set the agenda for public discourse under certain circumstances and provide information that helps the masses make informed decisions and join in taking crucial actions. With the various […]

Stilt Roots Dialogues

These are self-organised diagnostic dialogues aiming to empower grassroots activists, communities and movements to share stories and challenge popular imaginaries that lock in polluting and climate harming paradigms. This will […]