Eco-Instigator #40

Eco-Instigator #40

Welcome to the 40th edition of Eco-Instigator. This edition marks our 10th year as an organisation! It has been an exciting run because you have been a part of it all. Through these 10 years of advocating for environmental justice and food sovereignty in...
Eco-Instigator #33

Eco-Instigator #33

Welcome to another information-packed edition of eco-Instigator. Critically relevant events have been unfolding in rapid succession. Just as wild fires and unusual storms and floods were ravaging the world, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued...
Eco-Instigator #32

Eco-Instigator #32

This issue of Eco-Instigator is coming at a time when we are witnessing the paradox of hope and despair in the world. Hope in the capacity of the various vaccines against Covid-19 helping humanity to overcome the tragic pandemic that has infected over 176 million...