After celebrating a decade of great achievements in the struggle for environmental justice and food sovereignty, we are back in the trenches and the journey continues. Memories of the moments of reflection are brought to you by the keynote paper presented by Prof Niyi Osundare, the number one bard of the Earth. We also share a crisp review of our book, Politics of Turbulent Waters. Get the book and get immersed in a decolonial environmental discourse. Let’s up our efforts in fighting for ecological justice for the people and the planet.

We have been busy building ways of ensuring the defence of our ecosystems and communities. Community managed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are one way of liberating and conserving our collectively owned marine ecosystems for the present and future generations and protecting the continent from any negative agenda of the so-called green or/and blue economy. Together we can blunt the greed economic systems.

We are in an era of the polycrisis. It is a reality that the world must understand and organise to address. In this edition we bring you an article from a wise elder unpacking the polycrisis. We also bring you an article on the problem of having our air, food and water contaminated with plastics and another on GMOs. Ecuadorians voted for keeping crude oil in the soil and thus protecting the planet, the world cannot fold hands and do nothing. Calls for decolonizing Africa’s energy and embracing renewable energy are mounting across Africa.

As you digest the narratives in this packed edition of the Eco-Instigator, be on the lookout for poems that relax your nerves and get you ready for actions for ecological justice. Follow up on our coming activities and remember to get and read the recommended books. Enjoy the edition!

Do not forget to drop us a line or share feedback, stories, articles, poems or photos at or We look forward to hearing from you.

Until Victory!

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